Thursday 2 November 2023

Alien Rtual Done In September 2023

 This ritual was completed in September 2023 to attract alien energies for a client. I like to work outdoors wherever possible.

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Offerings Which Were Put Outside After Rituals

 These were actually Lammas offerings put outside at the beginning of August 2023, after performing a number of Lammas rituals.

Ritual With Flying Spirits That My Daughter Calls Monsters (In A Friendly Way)

 This was a carefully crafted ritual done by my daughter to further expand her consciousness with her spirit friends.

Saturday 17 June 2023

The Green Man In The Garden And The Black Goat Meets A Flamingo

 Lots of energies were all out in force on a lovely June day, last week, when the amazing Black Goat met an inquisitive flamingo. They were watched over by the Green Man, from his own special rustic domain.

 Brother Darklight And Rebecca's blog is now in its sixth year, bringing a friendly twist to the shadows that always lurk just beneath the sun....

Walpurgisnacht Offerings Meet The Shadow Side of This Festival

 This Walpurgisnacht offering brought a good sense of powerful shadow energies to balance the proceedings and the rituals.

Monday 24 April 2023

Spirit Pareidolia Lynx Appears In The Snow Outside House

 A spirit lynx appeared in a snow pattern on our CCTV system outside the house. This is an example of 'spirit pareidolia', similar to cloud pictures or leaf pattern pictures. The lynx's head is by the white pole.This happened during a late March snow fall.


Saturday 11 March 2023

The Beetle Is Taking A Nice Long Rest


This lovely beetle is having a relaxing time resting on top of the box. He can also watch what is going on from his vantage point and he feels very including sitting heat the haunted clock called Emily who is not in the picture today.

Indoor Ice Fountains Are Great Outdoors Too


These indoor Ice fountains are brilliant to use outside as they don't make any noise like regular fireworks do. They can also be bought in supermarkets all year round which is an added bonus. it is often possible to see fire spirits coming out of the firework.

Saturday 28 January 2023

This Rabbit Does Not like to Be Late

 We celebrated the Chinese New Year adding a bit of Alice In Wonderland to make things even more interesting. We love to do a display for Spring Festival every year, as we are interested in Chinese folklore.

Wednesday 4 January 2023

Santa's Litle Helper In Alternative Reality

 When I was little, my brother, who was nearly 14 years older than me, said that he was putting his car away after going out on Christmas Eve, when he happened to look up and saw Santa in his sleigh, pulled by lots of reindeer travelling through the sky. My brother, who actually went to church and served as the Crucifer or cross bearer, at the time, as well as serving on the altar with the  priest and two sidesmen, insisted he really did see Santa Claus that night.

Maybe he actually saw something, because years later he insisted it was true. of course, this time of year also has many pagan roots as does the Santa figure himself.

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Brilliant And Lovely Halloween Dream

The animals and ourselves, plus the spirit creatures of course, had a brilliant and fantastic Halloween that was really great in every way.

Sunday 30 October 2022

Alternative Realities To A Magickal Golden Dawn

These pictures were taken a few weeks ago in the early morning. They have not been filtered or anything and are exactly as taken by the phone camera with no effects whatsoever. 

This was the actual colour of the light outside, as dawn became day. A weird natural phenomenon  has occurred with the light which has a sepia golden quality, almost like old pictures from the past.

Thursday 29 September 2022

Brother Darklight And Rebecca Ghost Hunting At The Ibis Hotel In Shipley, West Yorkshire


This is part two of our ghost hunt.that took place last week at the Ibis Hotel in Shipley West Yorkshire.

Part One can be seen on our sister blog 'Postulating Pippin'. 

We used an EMF meter which went absolutely crackers, so the room was a live wire hotspot. I did pick up on the presence of a ghost dog which was sitting just behind us on the bed. The dog seemed to be some kind of spaniel.

There was also a ghostly old man in the bathroom who was large and balding but with hair around the sides of his head.

We did think that the corridor was reminiscent of the one in the film 'The Shining' but with a slightly different carpet and the twin beds head top design was a bit like the side window of the bad house in the film 'The Amityville  Horror' (in beds form of course!)

 Also something did break our light grids from the ghost hunting laser pens several times.

Overall the place had a very strange at atmosphere. It was freezing cold, the heater didn't work and oddly enough we got absolutely no sleep at all in total for about 36 hours. We did find some orbs flying around in the room too.