Wednesday, 27 December 2017

The Black Goat - Archetypal Dark-Light For All

The Black Goat makes an appearance in this photograph, next to a lighted bill board. The Black Goat is shown in silhouette on this occasion. Once again there is a stark contrast to light and dark here, but all is in balance.

Light Shining Through The Green Gloom

This photo is really a very good example of 'dark-light'. The green gloom creates the feeling of darkness, like a verdant time tunnel and the light shining at the top gives an alternative reality to the entire proceedings as a huge bright glowing orb, almost like an alien intrusion to the green peace.

The Unicorn Tarot Used In Christmas Angel Ritual

The Unicorn Tarot was used in a Christmas Angel ritual for someone. There is a lot of power around on Christmas Day with so many people celebrating Christmas all over the world. Even though the time zones are different, the very potent energy is there.

Friday, 22 December 2017

Dangerous Gate In The Wall

This is the Conditioning House as seen on 16th December 2917. It is in a very bad state of repair and exudes a terrible aura of menace which can be felt at the other side of the street.

Under The Bridge Running Over The Canal

There is a lot of dragon energy coming from this old painting which has been drawn under the bridge of a canal. The painting is very long really and features a banquet of all kinds of monsters and odd creatures.

The Circus Is In Town

I love the circus and the thrill of the Big Top. it has a special magic all of its own. Circus magic at its best.Apparently, circus workers have their own sayings and slang language for all kinds of things.

Haunted House Windows 98 Theme

The themes form windows 98 just have to be the best. I particularly like this haunted house one. The sound effects and movements on these themes has never been bettered since. The jungle scene was complete with animal noises and the fish scene had water gurglings, but the creaking of the haunted house and the hootings of the owl were by far the best.

Water Droplets In The Night

These are definitely water droplets, not orbs. But who knows even water droplets may be hiding little rain cloud mermaids, that come to earth in showers at night. Certainly there is a lot of psychic phenomena in the area these water droplets were photographed.

Night Time Power Station

This is a power station that we encountered on 16th December 2017 whilst walking the city streets at night. I get really energetic vibes from the urban sprawl. The electricity was making a really loud buzzing noise and was very well fenced off, though we were careful not to go too near, as people have been known to get electric shocks from this power station even when standing by the railings.

Energy From The Cars Of The Night

These pictures were taken on 16th December 2017 and it was really great to absorb the energies that came through the night. The energy was really replenishing and refreshing. it was really great to walk through the darker aspects of the city at night.

Horrible Nasty Old Building

This photo is part of a nasty old building in my city that was used to process wool. It is called the Conditioning House and it has some sort of non demolish status even though it is an old wreck. I get a particularly nasty vibe from the place. it used to be good to go round and take photos of it but over the last few years unpleasant weirdos in cars have polluted the area, just hanging about probably up to no good.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Fire Dragon Flying Through A Purple sky

I got the impression of a fire dragon sailing through the purple sky, in this picture. It was as if the sky was really holding burning pieces and the fire dragon was trying to hide behind the clouds. I felt the message here was hidden power and hidden energy.

The spirits send messages as well as sings and omens through cloud formations and other natural occurrences. I would say a formation like this one tells a person to 'hold their fire' or 'cloak their power'. It may not be time to act yet, even in times of restlessness. Red Dragons love treasure so the cloud formation may be suggesting an upturn in finances to whoever is drawn to this photo, as well as new opportunities on the horizon. However, it  also warns not to show your hand straight away if you are thinking of doing some wheeler dealing.

Candle Divination To Look In To The Future

Candle Divination is very interesting because a spirit actually enters the candle and if you concentrate on a lit candle you may see a figure or a person's face nearby. This spirit will answer your questions as long as they are allowed or able to do so. When you have finished, bid the spirit 'Goodbye' and thank them for their help. You may see the spirit nodding or shaking their head, depending on the question.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Darklight Sunrise On A Morning In May

The sun rose from over the hills and glowed brightly even though the landscape around was still dark. This photo is from a series of pictures and is one of the lightest. It still captures the essence of Brother Darklight and his helper, Rebecca very well. Brother Darklight and Rebecca are both Astral Vampire Spirits who reside in a large house in another dimension. They can, however, access the earth when they wish to do so.

Devils, Goblins And Food Labels

These are some incredibly devilish and goblinesque food and drink labels, which certainly open up portals to other worlds and other ideas . I really like these labels which were basking on the shelves of the supermarket.

Spooky Old Canal Bridge

This was one of the old canal bridges for the Bradford Canal which was closed in the 1920's. There is no canal there now but the bridge remains. we have picked up on some very odd energies whilst dowsing at the other side of the bridge, so there did seem to be some malevolent forces down there.
The area has been gentrified recently because some new houses were built on the site of an old mill a few years ago. The old mill mysteriously burned down. it was once the home of a large double glazing factory outlet that had a team of telesales people  telecanvassing  for double glazing. I once worked there as a telecanvasser. It is hard work and people who knock telecanvassers ought to try doing the job themselves and see what goes on at the other side of it. Telecanvassers are often worked extremely hard and the work is very insecure.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Special Ritual Using The Elements Of December

This ritual was done earlier in the week. It is quite complex and has a lot of different parts to it. The ritual works with the energies of the night and the other influences within this sphere. The little film shows the system at work.

Friday, 8 December 2017

Red Roses And A Black Goat

I actually like goats, they have beautiful expressive eyes. It is a shame they are seen as so expendable in some quarters as they are so very majestic and have a kind of air about them which gives them  a drive and enthusiasm perhaps not shared by other animals as readily.

Ritual At A Night Altar

We have used various concepts here when using natural surroundings in order to do a shielding and ground ritual for a third party. The sword was meant to have a but of an Excalibur feel to it, as if a Knight would  suddenly ride up and have to pull the sword from a stone, or something similar. Time is not linear and other dimensions hide within a hair's breadth. These dimensions can run happily alongside ours and sometimes they join together.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Shield Used In Ritual Magick

All kinds of items can be used in spell work to help it along, dress it up or make it more effective generally. These items do not have to come from specialist shops. Party items from supermarkets and other outlets make really good spell dressing.

Here we have a shield used for someone who wanted a protection and shielding spell.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

White Roses For Offerings

We use a lot of flower offerings in our magickal workings as they are very versatile as well as being a good solid offering. It is possible to get decent flowers form supermarkets nowadays that really brighten up an altar setting.

Bare Tree And Misty Moon

We quite like photographing trees as they are so very versatile. This tree was not  snapped in the middle of the night like the others recently shown were. Instead the time was not that far off late afternoon, yet it was really dark and atmospheric.

Psychic Messages In Bird Flight

These birds flew over last Tuesday. They fly at dawn and dusk. There are often messages from the spirits within the patterns of bird's activity according to traditional folklore beliefs. For example, the bird flight pattern could be used as a magickal seal for a spirit or servitor representative of the kind of birds which make up the pattern as shown.