Friday, 23 March 2018

Curious Little Books Holding Valuable Information

I find these small pamphlet books which are available from a specialist publisher, extremely interesting to read. They are packed full of all kinds of spells and rituals. many of them certainly not for the faint hearted! In fact the books tend to cover both light and dark magick quite extensively and give the reader plenty of food for thought.

Little Clown At St Patrick's Day

Clowns represent happiness, fun and just a hint of trickery. I am talking abut circus clowns, not the kind that appear in sinister novels, but the kind that entertain for laughs.

The trickery element comes from their mercurial factor, or their likeness to Loki, the trickster God. Mercury, whose day is Wednesday, although fleet of foot, was also a famous trickster. but it is that very element that keeps circus clowns fresh and entertaining.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Candle Readings And Spells

Candle readings and spells take many form and formats. The candle here is burning brightly so the God or Spirit is listening to what the querant has to say. The candle reflects as a double flame which means 'As above, so below'. it is like diving in to a warm blue pond and the candle then becomes an altered state or an altered sense of reality.

Gargoyle Spell Ritual

This gargoyle spell works with the spirit of the gargoyle to bring about the desired effect. The offerings are placed on the cloth as an integral part of the spell working. there is some hummus  along with biscuits. Gargoyles are interesting to work with generally.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Brother Darklight's Firework Night In February

The box of vampires lent some of their energy to the fireworks we let off on 17th February. We use fireworks in rituals quite a lot and some really good energy was produced that night.