Saturday 25 August 2018

The Red And Black Dragon And The Black Goat

These two look as if they mean business. They seem to have a strong presence and they are showed off really nicely by the red lights. I get the impression the dragon could actually fly at any minute!

Moon Night Scene Taken With 2005 Nokia Phone

This photo of the moon was taken just the other night with a very old 2005 Nokia camera - one of the first early smartphones, that paved the way for what we have today. I still keep the phone and I still occasionally still use it. It is definitely OOAK! well it is to me - though I am sure there are more of them in the world still! The moon was so bright and a 'better' camera would have showed up the grey in the moon which I think spoils the look of it. The moon looks far better as a shiny white pearl!

Night Time Power Of The Peppers Spell - All The Peppery Fun!

Peppers are a powerful ingredient to add to spell work because they spice up the spell and in some instances they can help speed the spell up because there are many spirits who enjoy peppers and the peppers themselves have lovely colours and waxy textures. These colours represent the first three chakras - root, sacral and solar plexus.The light  of the candles is an illumination between the astral realms like a tightrope or pathway to the stars.

Sunday 19 August 2018

August Candle Ritual - Light In The Darkness

The candle ritual shown brings a guiding light to the darkness. The glow of the candle alludes an ambience and a feeling of general wellbeing and cosyness. The offerings are placed next to the candle to help the spell to work and to give something back for what is asked. It is kind of 'spiritual manners' to make an offering. In this case the offering is of fig rolls - figs being associated with fruitfulness and growth.The miasmic haze cast by the candle is bright and warm, transmuting between the physical realms and the signposts of the spiritual arena.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Magickal Goings On At The Supermarket

So what could possibly be magickal about a trip to the shops? Well, I will show you.

We will start with the middle picture. If you are feeling tired, jaded or out of sorts, then you can literally pull down energy and protection from an overhead light source. As supermarket lights are often very bright it is a great place to gain energy from all their electrical equipment and hidden surveillance cameras too.

So, the overheads lights in the middle picture could be used to pull down instant protection. Just standing under a light like this one and imagining the white light sealing you off, immediately strengthens the auric field and can put you in a protective bubble.

Just imagine electric light beaming in to your head and driving away evil or badness. Imagine the light energizing you and giving you strength. The picture is just an example. There are supermarkets or shops virtually everywhere that is inhabited by humans where this technique can be used.

Next up, it was raining when these photos were taken and the orange light reflected on the wet asphalt near the car park entrance.This is easy to use for scrying.  You can scry anywhere like this -just look in to a puddle or a wet shiny area on the path and allow you eyes to go slightly out of focus then take note of what shapes or images enter you mind.

Lastly, for those naughty enough to be psychic vampires, a supermarket is the very best place to draw excess energetic resonance, from the energy pool of frenetic shoppers milling around.