Saturday 27 October 2018

The Beach In The Golden Sky

This photo shows what looks like a beach scene in the sky. It appears like golden sand and blue sea from a distance and it is as if a sky painter had been at work with a glossy golden and azure palette..

The Beautiful Black Goat In His Element

The Black Goat was looking over his domain as he joined in with the witch and the warlock tea light people in this photo. He looks to be very regal here.

Halloween All The Time - Spellcrafting And Offerings

We have been doing a lot of spell work recently incorporating many Halloween themes. We always put out offerings for the spell work we do. Those who do not understand spells have not thought it right that we give offerings to the trees, the earth and the spirits and treated it like a waste of money - but a collection plate is sent round in church and all religious organisations collect funding - so it is only right to make these offerings. It is a pity that some people take alternative religions so lightly.

Amazing Tree In The Deepest Night

These pictures were taken in the middle of the night. We do a lot of magickal stuff at night and so it is an ideal time to work. Hawthorne berries have many uses - the Hawthorne is known as a fairy tree.

Monday 22 October 2018

The Black Goat And The Black Cat

The Black Goat and the Black Cat enjoyed some serious pre-Halloween spell work. They have really been having a very good time indeed. The Black Goat loves Halloween especially and he is getting in the mood early!

Saturday 13 October 2018

Ghostly Gargoyle On The Warpath

We just loved this Gargoyle complete with red flashing eyes. He really is so cute and just right for our themes. We think he fits with the blog well! he certainly looks as if he means business, or maybe he just came out in readiness for Halloween.

The Black Goat And The Ghost

Halloween has come early here; in fact, 'Every Night Is Halloween', as the song goes. We have Halloween decorations up all year round, they even blend in with the other seasons' decorations. The Black Goat meets the ghost - a good combination we think!

Thursday 4 October 2018

Witchy Spell From The First Week Of October 2018

We use lots and lots of different things in out spell-work and we don't just limit the spell ingredients to the times of big festivals, otherwise a lot of its potential would be thoroughly wasted. Every night can be Halloween or any other celebration day for that matter and these energies can be used in spell-craft at any time of the year. It is also very enjoyable to mix and match seasons as it aligns different energy fields to the rituals.This spell in the picture was done a few days ago.