Friday 18 January 2019

Space Spells, Flying Saucer Cakes And Astronauts

This space spell was done the other day for someone. The spell boosts energy and helps remove blockages,as it works from an Alien/UFO angle, so the sky really is the limit and therefore the spell can get outside a situation and think on the other side of the box.

The Black Goat And Vampira

I really enjoyed this book shown in the photo about 50's scream queen 'Vampira, aka Maila Nurmi. She was most likely one of the very first post war horror Goths and many ladies have followed since.
The book is an interesting piece of writing with some good insights in to American TV of the time. the Black Goat seems to have taken an interest too.

The Black Goat Hangs Out With The Crow

The Black Goat and his buddy the crow seem to get on just fine together. They have a good blend of energies which certainly helps the mix to go down well. Also they really do seem to understand each other which is always a very good starting point for a conversation.

Sunday 6 January 2019

The Black Goat And Some Alien Friends Take Time Out

The Black Goat felt very regal as he spent New Year's Eve with some Alien Friends. He is very innovative and even felt relaxed as he stood next to a purple and pink hair piece that completed the look. They all enjoyed posing grandly for the occasion.

Cards, Herbs And Other Paraphernalia

Cards, herbs and a cone of power go to make an interesting New Year spell. ordinary playing cards can easily be used in spell work and have long been associated with magic of all types and kind.