Sunday, 17 February 2019

The Tridents, The Lights, The Shells And Everything Else

This spell works with a whole host of items and also, more importantly, it works with what lies behind these items. The caterpillar becomes a chrysalis, which in turn becomes a butterfly. The ring has no beginning and no end and therefore represents the Circle Of Life. The tridents represent the planet Neptune which is also connected to the sea glass and the shell. The charm represents spiritual energy and the lights represent action and warmth. This is part of a power generator action spell and was performed outdoors. The plate is touching the outside ground.

Sea Loofahs Magick Element Spell

This particular spell uses sea loofahs - this is because of their connection to the element of water. The lights bring the element of fire and they are touching the ground outside, where a gentle breeze brings in the element of air. this is a particularly good empowerment or grounding spell.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Black Magic Valentine's Day

Yes, it is Black Magic time again as Valentine's Day approaches. As you will note, there is a box of Black Magic chocolates in the picture. Well what did you think we meant?!
The Black Goat seems very happy anyway :)

Chinese Spring Festival And The Mushroom House

These pictures celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival. the mushrooms and peppers offerings were photographed outside in the middle of the night, whilst it was actually raining quite heavily.

Horned Flowers And Tomatoes Offering

This is a special offering made of tomatoes and flowers. Offerings can be made to all manner of spiritual entities for many different reasons. Offerings are a big part of spell work too.

Intriguing And Unusual Spell

Here is a picture of an unusual spell that was done for someone who had a special request. Spells can be put together in many different formats.

Friday, 1 February 2019

The Blacker Than Black Red Moon Of January

This is a photo we took of the blood super moon from January this year, near totality. The moon seemed to be dark red and very brooding, which kind of fitted in with the very cold January night. The  dark feel of the moon gave the impression she had plenty of secrets well hidden form planet earth.

The Black Goat And Imbolg Associates

The Black Goat teamed up with Brigid and a flock of sheep at the beginning of February when Imbolg is traditionally celebrated and they all posed for this picture. The Black Goat seemed happy enough to take part here.

The Black Goat In Friendly Mood With Some Seahorse Aquaintances

The Black Goat met up with some unusual seahorses and he found them to be quite entertaining and knowledgeable about Mer-Magick and they discussed the underwater realms and the best spots for magickal gatherings.

Dark Wet Trees And Twigs In The Gutter

These pictures were taken on 22ns January in the early hours of the morning. there was a sleek wetness about the trees and even the water in the gutter gave a psychic message through the layout of the twigs in the liquid.