Saturday, 29 June 2019

The Air Goblin In The Incense

We do a lot of rituals using the powers of ait and in some other creatures manifest. A small Goblin came through whilst this incense spell was in progress. He looks as if he is enjoying himself!

Lots Of Offerings For Lots Of Rituals

These are some of the offerings we put out with the rituals we do. It is necessary to give something back for what is asked and all spirits like some offerings. it is polite and courteous to the spirits to give them a gift of some kind for their help in spell work.

Sunset Of A Burning Sky

This picture taken back when the trees were still bare and the sky was like another world entirely, as if  a door hand opned and the astral realms were clearly visible from earth.

The Mystic Madam, The Snake And The Tree Person

We did some snake magic the other day, using the Mystic Madam to help us and utilizing the clovers that were growing nearby.

The Dark Pond Glows In Red Light

This is a little mini pond, within another pond and there are currently some little creatures in the pond that effectively hide right down at the base. It is actually an underwater shot.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Creepypasta - The Dabbling Devilish Dark, Past And Present

First of all as a disclaimer I would say that we are neutral where belief is concerned and the opinions of authors shown here are not necessarily our own.

I was reading about odd goings on in Clapham Woods, near Worthing in West Sussex back in the 70's and 80's and how one man stumbled upon some Hekate worshippers who were not too fond of him.A great (x3) grandma of mine was born in Worthing so I was interested. I obtained the difficult to get hold of book entitled The Demonic Connection second hand. The book is fairly standard and there was a long red hair in it! I bought the book 'Tales of occult Horror about six or seven years ago and that mentions Clapham woods too.

Devil Worship In Britain ( another second hand book) is a very early work published in 1964 but obviously written before Gerald Gardner died, as it mentions his 'Witches Mill', then on the Isle Of Man. Peter Haining was a good writer and I have several of his books but this book, by him and A V Sellwood tend to allude to all magic as 'black magic', which was probably a sign of the times it was written in. It mentions the church at Clophill, near Luton, UK which was used for certain practices.

I bought the ghost sightings book because I used to go on holiday with my parents to Whitby as a teenager and have seen Whitby Abbey many times. I found a hidden gem though concerning a policeman who disappeared in 1972 somewhere near Clapham Woods. There is an old paranormal show which has a segment about a dowser who searched for him which is mentioned in the book.

The Black Goat declined to appear in this post.

Leap In The Dark

Early Morning Offerings With The Little Pink Swan And Butterflies

These lovely butterflies and the little pink swan helped with a spell we did last week. The cakes went out as offerings and were consumed by the wild foxes. It was around five am and there was a mysterious aqueous light glowing in the sky.

Onion Garland Spell In The Darkest Night

It seems to be a bit awkward to do night time spell work at the moment because it gets light so fast. These spells were done back in May before the deluge wet weather set in and we were able to take advantage of working outside in the small hours of the night.

Happy Black Cat Critter Spell

The lovely black cat shown in the picture is a really happy little critter. He has good power and energy and likes to help us with our spell work when he is allowed to. Here he sits in the darkness with a ring of blue lights looking very mystical.