Monday, 30 December 2019

Black Magic Darklight Christmas For The Goats

Here, both the Black Goat and the White Goat posed with a flower wand and some special handmade Black Magic soap - which has a hint of gold glitter too. The soap looks almost too good to use and was purchased from a seller of handmade products, but it has a lovely, deliciously dastardly twist - very Gothic! What's not to like?!!

Voodoo Doll Enjoys Christmas

Henry the Voodoo Doll thoroughly enjoyed his Christmas Day as he posed happily in some multi-coloured tinsel. You can see his happiness coming through the picture.

December Vampire Ritual Outdoors

We worked a vampire ritual outdoors on December 19th 2019 and as you can see from the photo  - the ritual really buzzed with energy - it still does in fact. I must admit  - I have always been interested in vampires - even though I am now vegetarian.

Friday, 13 December 2019

Brilliant Morning Red Sky

This photo was taken the other week when the sky suddenly turned pink. Groups of crows, owls (at night) and seagulls regularly flock overhead.

A Good Friend Joins Us On An Evening Stroll

A good friend of ours joined us on a very interesting evening stroll, where it was possible to soak up the natural wonder of the darkness lit by the bulbs of lamps in the night. He looks very happy in this picture.

Rear Of 'The Fox' Pub In Atmospheric Shipley

This is the creepy part of Shipley. there is even a very old abandoned Victorian cemetery nearby that has no actual entrance anymore, which backs on to the station at one point. there are also many apartments tucked away in the narrow streets.

This Reminds Me Of 'The Birch'

'The Birch' is a kind of supernatural series on Facebook TV which we have got in to watching. i thought this shadow on the door looked a bit like a walking tree!

Creepy Dark Building In Shipley

This building seems to unused now but not long ago it housed a business and appeared to have apartments on a higher level to the side. The building looks Victorian or Edwardian, almost like a school apart from the pond which is now overgrown. the entrances were completely blocked off with barriers.