Saturday, 11 July 2020

Different Kinds Of Outdoor Candle Rituals

The outdoors is great for candle rituals. The top ritual is a specially made 'couple candle' which has almost burned down and the bottom picture shows a fuller working. It is fine to use LED candles in many rituals as they are much safer and can be bought in different colours. However the real candle is always totally magick at any time!

Water Snail Pond Habitat - Both Day And Night

Our water snails really love their vastly planted pond habitat. When it rains they like to come to the top of the pond and bask.

Dark Of The Night Knot Spell

This knot spell was done in the middle of the night using the vibrational colour of red to both root and procure the energies of the spell for a particular person.

Sand And Sea Working With Creature Totems In Minature Setting

Earlier this year in Lockdown UK beaches were banned. Wales in particular has been very strict over this. However it is easy to work with sea creatures even if you live nowhere near a beach. This is real sand which is available commercially and the others are symbols of wildlife totems, drawing their spirits in to lend their power to a ritual mini beach which can work wonderful magick.

The Deep Dark Drain And The Denizens Of Hell

What lurks down the drain? Are there creatures (other than rats) waiting to lure the unsuspecting down and dirty to party with the denizens of Hell? There is certainly corrupted energy in these places, wafting up in to the street.