Tuesday 31 May 2022

Brother Darklight And Rebecca Rise Again

 Having spent some considerable time sleeping behind a dusty black-out curtain pinned over a somewhat damp window during the day, both Brother Darklight  and his sister Rebecca felt the pull of the night come upon them once more.

Despite inhabiting a rather dreary house set amongst other utility post war houses, the area in which they resided had once been farmland with a Great Hall in one corner. This place was absolutely full of spirits of every conceivable type. there was a resident werewolf whose presence could be felt very strongly in the overhanding bushes by the snicket which led in to a narrow black road which was haunted by the ghost of a war soldier of times past. 

The shadow people hung around the gates of houses whilst the shady ghost of a man in a brown jacket with his white dog paraded up and down the opposite side of the main thoroughfare. Yes, this was certainly a special place to be - something the locals never saw in daylight hours...