Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Odd Dwellings That Exert A Strange Force

 Dwellings that seem to have a strange force all of their own are not necessarily big old houses or ancient apartments.

Small homes can be just as active, if not more so as the energy is much more concentrated, especially homes that have been rented and seen a lot of traffic passing through over the years. there is also the question of what kind of land they are built on too.

My home for example - has always been pretty active in a rather obvious way. I did think it was because I am a psychic medium and that doing readings attracted in spirits so last year I had someone - supposedly a 'top cleanser' clear the house. It was not something I wanted to do myself to be honest - I preferred not to be involved as it was too close to home to be comfortable.

However the person did not manage to do anything constructive and in fact made things more active than before.

I have often lived in haunted homes and am reasonably used to it - but some spirits can make people ill because of their draining and attaching nature. It is always better when doing protection rituals to obtain a balance of energies - an equal mix of dark and light to make things neutral - so I have statues of both dark and light entities in my home  and all have their own spaces as they would not like to sit next to each other!